So this summer I decided to do a lot of drawing and so far I've done about 4 drawings.. making some real progress. But after seeing a picture of Kristina Webb's wall covered in drawings I was like "Whoa! I want to do my wall like that!" so I started working on it. 
I found a picture of Rihanna looking absolutely stunning wearing a red dress and she had her long brown hair with dip dye and I decided to draw her. 
I would like to add that I was missing a particular shade of colour and it just so happened to be the shade that would have matched Rihanna's skin tone perfectly. Just my luck. So her skin is a few shades too dark but it was the best I could do, I tried to lighten the skin on photoshop but there was like no change at all so I gave up.
But here it is! I am really happy with it <3 If you have any drawing requests just comment and I'll do my best to draw it. Have a good day :)

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