1.       My first name is Margaret, not Alix.

2.       I am 5 foot 2 and I hate it, I really want to be 5 foot 8.

3.       My birthday is on 28th October so that makes me a Scorpio.

4.       I have a younger brother called Robbie who has Aspergers.

5.       Robbie is my best friend ever. 

6.       My favourite feature is my "big, brown eyes". I love them <3

7.       I am actually half Irish, half Scottish.

8.       I have an Irish Wheaten Terrier called Molly and I always do her voice and so she ‘speaks’ a lot.

9.       I hate getting the bus, my heart races and I get nervous if I have to get on a bus that is not my private school bus that I get.

10.       Ariana Grande is like my idol, she is so beautiful and that voice! WOW!

11.       I hate most romantic films, chick flicks and comedies except for a few.

12.       I love horror films, action films and disaster movies!

13.       You’d think I’d get nightmares and all from watching so many horror films, I watch most on my own  late at night might but I don’t because I can lucid dream without having to learn how to do it, comes naturally  I guess so I can stop a nightmare or turn it into something better.

14.       I have been in two long distance relationships and both ended in disasters.

15.       I get claustrophobic because I was locked in a shed by the older boys when I was younger.

16.        I have a passion for drawing but I hate looking for something to draw but once I find something then I  love it.

17.       I was born on my parent’s second wedding anniversary.

18.       I love to watch Geordie Shore and I always talk with like a Geordie accent for like hour after watching it.

19.       I poke people, a lot, just ask my boyfriend.

20.       I watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer every single day on the Syfy channel at 12pm.

21.       I really want to get a tattoo on my hip of either a simple heart, a star, a diamond or even a butterfly.

22.       I can’t stand the sound of people chewing.

23.       I love romance books.

24.       I’m always redoing my nails and looking for new ideas and designs to do them.

25.       I have grown my hair down to my waist but I want my hair to be way longer. 
26.       I had braces for two years because my teeth were ‘severe’. They were so crooked it was unreal.

27.       I always have this idea that everything needs to be perfect before I do something or before a special day and by perfect I mean silly things like my room has to be spotless and I have to have my hair and makeup done perfectly..

28.       I think the IPhone is the best phone; I’ve probably just jinxed it now.

29.       I seriously spend all my time on apps, usually Instagram, WeHeartIt and Pinterest.

30.       I have a major addiction to Instagram, it’s not healthy. 

31.       I love salsa so much! I eat it with everything, my parents have to buy more than 1 large jar a week just for me.

32.       I have dyed my hair so many times that I can’t get it back to my natural colour, I've had red hair, purple hair, dark brown hair, low lights etc.

33.       I HATE the way I looked at my 5th year formal, my hair went wrong, my makeup was a disaster and my dress was horrendous and I was off sick from school the day before so I was still ill at the formal. 

34.       I shave my arms.

35.       I have bad ankles and knees so my knees dislocate a lot.

36.       I have three nicknames, Stookie, Lexi and Alley.

37.       I have double-jointed ankles and wrists. I can bend my thumbs back further than my wrist and I can bend my ankles backwards 90 degrees.

38.       I have a really bad habit of cracking my joints; I crack my neck, my back, my elbows, my wrists, my knuckles, my hips, my knees, my ankles and my toes.

39.       I hate tea, coffee, fizzy drinks and I think water is disgusting.

40.       I hate my nose.

41.       I am the weirdest person ever when I’m alone, I mean I will roll on the ground, singing at the top of my voice and just generally being weird, but if anyone knows me personally, “weird is cool”.

42.       I love ice cream so much; I would marry ice cream if I could.

43.       I really want to be a catwalk model but I’m six inches too short :’( My favourite runway show to watch is The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show.

44.       I have never drank, smoked, done drugged or had sex.

45.       I procrastinate so much with everything.

46.       I get so excited to go into town, not to meet people but to do my hair and makeup, I’m literally jumping around before I start to get ready.

47.       I can’t wait to get married and have kids.

48.       I LOVE to plan and get organised, I got excited to plan to move out of my house in two years time a few days ago just because a youtuber did a video about moving house.

49.       I don’t like going shopping for clothes, I usually just ask my Mummy to get me something when she goes.

50.       I can’t sing for the life of me, and it’s the one thing I want to be able to do so badly, I want to be a famous singer but that is never going to happen so I’ll stick to miming songs on my phone.

Sorry this post was so long and I'm also sorry that I haven't posted in a week, so much for daily posts, I'll try harder this week :) Goodnight everyone x

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